Second Collection

      65 products

      65 products

      Elegance is refusal - Coco Chanel.

      A big collection of 5 drops of artwork, created over a period of more than a year 2022-2023 and released over 5 weeks, the second collection features feminine drawings in a continuation of expressive style with more detail. Drawn on A3 paper as well as smaller scales and at a difference location, living on my own at my parents house back in Asquith, NSW, Australia as well as living with my parents in Mt Colah, NSW - the style is more subdued and restrained, reflective of a time period marked by feeling very unsettled, alone yet supported and taken care of in a way which didn't feel familiar.

      I hadn't drawn much at the beginning of the year 2022, focusing a lot on chasing guys, and then feeling like that was the wrong path, choosing to not go back to my day job in UIUX to ensure I focus on drawing, tumultuous times back at my parents house full of daily stresses and being unable to let go now about fears in getting stuck in repeating the same relationship, mistakenly going into a mental health hospital after a few sleepless nights and a year of feeling bowled over by my mum, fearing living alone and isolated without much human contact.

      Finally a period of rest and recovery once back at Asquith again in Oct 2023 where a lot of these drawings were done, going back to my love of fashion and peacefulness of drawing. I had finally given up and then turned inwards towards the latter part of 2024 to finally just let everything go and stop trying to fix things. Ultimately feeling sad feeling like so much time wasted away from my art and fashion, my passion. Having run out of my savings and going on job seeker in Feb 2024, I had a lot of time to devote to recovery and drawing again, but did not record any reels for Instagram during this time to just enjoy the drawing process. Realising that I do want to go back into work to save up again and for some human interaction, now with greater confidence in building up a rhythm for creating.

      Feeling better now that I have been in fact continuing my art, having had a big collection of drawings amassed during this time which was not wasted, but merely a stark reminder about the importance of saying no, and focusing on myself. Having given up myself was actually the main lesson here and knowing I am not doing anything wrong in chasing my dreams and doing what I want.

      This collection went live on Saturday 13th April 2024 at 12am

      See the write up blog post here: